Friday, January 27, 2006

Rant about rants...(in response to an anonymous email I received)

You know what? Some people are mean. Some people derive pleasure from making others uncomfortable or pointing out so-called flaws. Boo fucking hoo!!!! That's life. Life's tough, wear a bloody helmet!!! You know, people annoy me, specially the homeless, they stink!!! Also, people who try to be funny by taking the piss out of you and then can't handle the pressure when you fight back!!! You need to be able to deal with the people who upset you the most. Be it through humor, fighting back, or simply ignoring them. Personally, I have a sharp enough tongue and a mind to match, so I find it more satisfying to engage and fight back. Ultimately, it's waste of time and I acknowledge that. But I don't believe it's a waste of energy. Some of my funniest rants and creative writing have been brought forth or coaxed out in response to some dumbass making false statements or just being an idiot. If you do let them get to you, it's because you enjoy being the victim!!! So don't come crying when I shout abuse back at you, be a man and take it on the chin!!! Simple.
............................ "Sometimes they'll give a war and nobody will come..." - Carl Sandburg.