What a surprise!!! Another weekend flew by and still nothing constructive done!!! Well what do you expect, I'm enjoying the blistering sun in January. (Yo!!! to you all in good ol' England) Been thinking about England alot recently and I must say that I do miss it, but theirs no way I'm going back, or theirs no way I can go back, should I say!!! Know what I mean??? Most of you do and most of you know that I will be returning to Italy soon, to sort out some more stuff for my life. Austria and Switzerland looked good for job prospects, but Switzerland came without lodgings. mmmmmmmm!! Found a job in Holland this morning with bedroom but I know that if I decide to go there I'd only start smoking again and I've done a four month stint on cold turkey so far, so why give up now!!!! Right???? Big Stu will say: "Fuck'em!" While Aaron would say: "Fuck you!" Piero and Mike would tell me to: "carry on the good fight", whilst Errol would roll one for me!!! Don't say you wouldn't 'cos you know who you are and I know you all too well!!!! Anyway lets all pray for a decent war, instead of that crappy Gulf business that didn't even spread over into Europe!!!! Yes thats right the climate hasn't changed me!!! Laters.