Hey, lets talk about me!!!!So i went for an interview on monday.> They didn't care that I spoke flawless English, only that the next person will speak it ok or badly butthey have a degree in it!!! AHHHHHH bloody country!! So I rang up and they said the interviews start at 2pm. Not YOUR interview starts at 2 but they do!!! Ok I thought, strange way of doing things but I guess their not expecting a lot of people. WRONG!!!!!!! I turned up at 1.30pm and their was about two hundred people in the queue. So I'm there, waiting an hour, then have to present my I.D. card, my military completion card, my social security card, my doctors examination card and two photos. (Fine I carry them with me just in case I get called up to fight a war or have to go to the doctors to have an exam to see a doctor!! 'Cos thats how they work here!!) Get this, the other day I had decided that I wanted to go for a swim at my local swimming pool, they said I couldn't join till I had seen the doctor for an examination!!! WHAT????? I'm only going to swim not start underwater surgery!!!! JESUS these Foreigners!!! Anyway back to the interview. So I'm in line at 4.15 they send me to a queue to see their doctor. Ok I though had the swimming pool insidend dont think that I have to, but no, they want their doctor. So he takes my bloodpressure checks my pulse and start wearing a rubber glove and asking me to go behind the curtain. AHHHH NO THANKS. So i'm out of the door and into the next queue before you can say RECTUM!!! 5.30 I finally see the man to interview me only for him to say 'We only need 4 people for this job!!! FOUR I SHOUTED IN MY HEAD, BUT THERE'S THE ENTIRE POPULATION ON LITCHENSTEIN OUTSIDE Then he says 'Oh I got your cv and email last week I should have phoned you to say don't bother coming today but I forgot' FORGOT????? FORGOT!!!!!!! So after i had calmed down and the other person in the office managed to scrape his collegues body parts off the ceiling I had to join another queue to get my I.D. card etc back having to sign two tons of release forms to say its me! HEHEHEHEHE I laughed manically like a man possesed by the devil. Fooled you into thinking I amwho I am, even though my photo, finger print, blood type, family history and everything else you can cram into an I.d card says its me.. But By this time it was 6.30 pm and I was on the way to burning the entire city and watch whilst toasting marshmellows!!! So that was my day yesterday. 5 hours to have an interview for him to say.'you needn't have come'. ahhhhhh! Welcome to Latin Europe!!! -" War does not determine who is right, only who is left..." Bertrand Russel