Don’t get me wrong; I’m the biggest horror fan in the world. Nothing I like better than a good scary movie on a dark, rainy night. But that doesn’t mean I believe they are all real. What I don’t understand is how many people claim to believe in God and also believe in ghosts. It’s kind of contradictory, don’t you think? Often you will hear people, (so-called experts or psychics) saying ghosts are the victims of violent crimes or that they have unfinished business. Some also claim that ghosts just don’t know that they’re dead. Now here’s the contradiction for you folks who believe in God: Are you saying that God is kind of arbitrary about when your soul goes to heaven or hell? I guess he just decided that it’s ok for the soul to wander the earth as long as it’s a victim or doesn’t know that it’s dead, right? If so, God’s a hell of a lot more flexible than anything I read in the Old Testament. aybe he’d let me hang around and be a ghost if I have unfinished business. I’ve been meaning to start exercising and get back in shape. Is that unfinished enough or would it have to be more along the lines of unreturned library books?If ghosts really do exist, I think I would have seen one by now. Think how many billions of people have walked this planet. Don’t you think ghosts would be everywhere? I would think it would be damn near impossible to avoid them. And why is it always a place that ghosts haunt? It’s always a house or a boat or something. If I was a ghost, I’d be haunting J.Lo's underwear, to hell with creaky old houses. I was talking with a friend the other day and most of this writing is a direct result of that conversation. I even told him the part about how I had never seen one and thought they would be everywhere if they existed at all. He didn’t miss a beat: “Maybe they don’t like you. Maybe ghosts think you’re an asshole and they are avoiding you.” Did I mention that he was a friend?And yes, I know there are some fundamentalist groups out there that don’t believe in ghosts. You have to give them credit for being consistent anyway. Of course, most of them are insane… Maybe being consistent isn’t the most important thing after all.