The fox knows many tricks;
The hedgehog one good one...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Too tired, broken, battered and bruised to tell you lot what happened today! We won, but just marginally. Will tell you all about it in the morning, or afternoon. Maybe after the football!!!!! laters
I love dairy products.I have no STD's, or at least none that I know of or that have yet to be identified by medical science.Though raised (semi-)religious, God and I haven’t spoken to each other since an incident in Surrey back in 1994(don’t ask) and we are currently trying to destroy each other. He is winning. For now.The following things I find funny: retards, the homeless, fighting retards or the homeless. That is all. Also, jokes about Spaniards are pretty funny too (it’s cool, because I used to date a spaniard).I am the worst hypochondriac in the world, because though I think I’m going to have a heart attack or stroke every time I masturbate or stand up quickly, but I think nothing of having forty alcoholic drinks, smoking, and then throwing up blood.
My first love is my X Box and she loves me.(I've lost many a pretty maiden due to her jealousy!)