I'm no ornithologist, but those birds are smart, they're actually fly south to WARMER climates. My ex-girlfriend was from Northern Portugal and I remember going there in winter and HOLY SHIT was it cold! And it's not like I grew up in africa or anything and wasn't used to it, I used to live in London. I rememberbeing there over Christmas and it was like minus 5 degrees during the day and my ex's mother said to me. "OOOOoo Aaaaah, it's gonna warrrrrmmm up too-deeeh. You betchya!" (Yeah right you nutter!!!!)It was around minus 15 degres the night before. Un bloody believeable!!!!!. I remember also being there and looking at the same day's temperature on the bloody moon and it was WARMER there than in Viseu. Humans were just not intended to live in such climates. Didn't help either that her mom was cheap as dirt and turned the thermostat off. Or, that I smoked and had to go outside for every friggin cigarette. The only thing that saved me was that her brother was a huge pothead and those were my younger, more reckless days. Birds are smart,I'm telling ya!!!AND THERE'S NO GODDAM DECENT BEACH THERE EITHER!! "Ooo, but we've got the cleanest river in Europe!." Try another great reasons not to live in that god forsaken place. I'm a city man and I'll never ever move to the bloody country. EVER!!!