Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Interview rant

INTERVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the banes of my life are interviews in Latin Europe. Its coming across a spate of ungracious, inconsiderate interviewers. Any of you that live in Portugal, Spain and Italy, know what I mean!! That said, however, I certainly wouldn't paint the entire world with the paintbrush they seem to be working with. Different organizations have different needs, and different ways of recognizing just what it is that they need. I understand that, it's just the way they do things..... I can assure you that most firms I know of in England, wouldn't treat prospective employees like that - the demand for talent is still incredibly high, and rude treatment of qualified people is very counterproductive. If you still run into 'we've already made an offer but if we have another opening we'll contact you,' be aware that the need to staff things can change directions in a second - reqs can be created overnight, existing people can get sick or give notice that they're leaving and thus need replacing, projects can get canceled or accelerated, etc. And at most companies where I've been, an employee's relative happiness with the job is a very important consideration, so once the commitment is made, there's a strong effort to keep the new hire happy. But not here... Not in Latin Europe!!! Oh, no!!! Even though these countries play the Democratic free state card, secretly they still run the 'Old Order of Fascist Europe' from under the desk!!!. Now don't get me wrong, I'm with the whole 'National Identity' set up, but why, oh why don't they modernise their ways with the progress that their people demand!! You can't keep demanding people with experience if you wont allow them to start experiencing!!!!!