An old friend turned up not long ago and asked for one of my pet peeves. DECAF COFFEE!!!!! I don’t mind making it but it really pisses me off how people believe in it. He asked for it with a declarations of: “I want decaf double espresso and if it isn’t decaf I'll be knocking on your door at three in the morning!” (Did I mention he was a mate???) This is so wrong on so many levels…1. Even decaf coffee has some caffeine so if you are sensitive you are going to be up. Also all that sugar brutalizing your pancreas consumed via beer and shots all night, can hit your system like crystal meth. Alcohol will fuck up your REM sleep. 2. Trust me. When you ask for decaf then thats what your going to get. Telling me that your going to call me when I'm trying to get some sleep is a good way to get piss in your cup."Double decaf espresso? What the fuck is that about? Shut the fuck up! If you’re up don’t blame me, Asshole!!!"