I got into an arguement today with some pussy footed, left wind, Commie sucking, anarchist type, long haired, tree hugging fuck wit!!! Yes, yes, I know... They say that swearing alot means that you have a small vocabulary!!! Well I say to you... I know my fair share of words and I still prefer: Fuck Off. Right back to business. So this woman (If you even care to call her a woman!!) called me a Nazi!!! Me?? A Nazi?? Well, paint me black and call me a badger. Just because I said I supported a few political views from the right wing members of the community doesn't make me a Nazi. She started preaching the greatness of Carl Marx and Lenin when half of the coffee shop was filled with skin heads!! What a night! She starts pointing out every Communist ideal, trying to convince me to turn to the hammer and sickle!! ME!!! Well after ten minutes of verbal diarreah from this two bit tuna smelling, number one friend of the earth and Stalin love child, I had to walk away.... But would she leave it alone?? Nah!! With her unwashed hair flowing in the wind in clumps, scratching her crotch through her jeans (which wasn't a pleasant sight) she continues her bombardment on me and how she still keeps her love letter sent to her by Che Guavara. Well another ten minutes of quite a viloent verbal exchange, she backs down and returns to her house, outside in an old, piss stained cardboard box under the tree.......... Hoorah for Communism!!!!