Saturday, May 27, 2006

illegal Immigration


Ok, there's a million people protesting about illegal immigration and how these people should stay. One illegal even asked why they aren't treated like a Portuguese citizen. Um, let me think.... MAYBE BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT PORTUGUESE? Seriously, they got some nerve coming over to our country ILLEGALLY and then demanding we treat them like Portuguese citizens even though they have NO wish to become Portuguese. I really, really don't get this. They leave the Ukraine, or Croatia, or some other God forsaken eastern block country because it stinks, they come over here, then they have this Russian pride thing going on. If your country is so bloody great then go back there! And those of you that come from Muslim religious countries don't come over here protesting and trying to get our own flags banned because they an insult your faith... Fuck off!!!!! Just because it´s our religion, you wouldn't expect us to go over to your sun blasted country and moan about your moon and swords on your flags. Sure, I understand some work here and those that don´t want jobs, but for crying out loud bet bloody jobs and come here legally. Don´t just mope about selling drugs and raping women because one day the real citizens will eventually turn on you. (Now that´s history repeating!!!!) You're draining our economy which is already 20 squillion Euros in debt and you won't pay taxes. On top of that, you don't follow our laws and expect US to learn YOUR language??????? I really don´t get it and now my hair hurts again!!! If I went to some Eastern European country or anywhere in Asia, I'd have to learn your language wouldn't I? Of course I would. What's the big issue? You don't belong here, PERIOD!!!!! What we need to do is build a giant wall to keep these people out and draft the ones that come here, if you want to be here, join the military, if not, go back to to your stinking Hell hole!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and don't get me started with the Spaniards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!