Thursday, June 15, 2006

Is there a doctor in the house?

So here I am after working a 49 hour shift, having to find a bed, at the hospital where I worked today to try and get some sleep before my next shift. "Shitty fucking hospital" I thought as I battled the masses of plague infected people, barging through them and ignoring their pleas for help. "Oh please help me, my arm has been severed in a motorbike!" "Fuck Off and stop fucking bleeding on the floor!!!!!" Jesus, some people have no consideration! With my blood shot eyes and weak, tired body I stumble through to a private room with an empty bed. Oh bliss! So I take off my white jacket, pull off my badge and slump onto the bed. Mmmmmm sleep. Well no!!! A minute later the emergency alarm went off and my pager vibrated on my belt causing a chain reaction of jerks and jumps. Hauling myself up and reading the pager, I find their was another major road traffic accident, the second this week which meant I had to go back to work. I slip on my jacket again while beds and people are rushing past the window. Oh well here we go!

So after another four hours of hell I manage to find my office and fall asleep by my desk, only to be rudely awakened by a nurse wanting to ask me about my notes on urine testing. "Oh for Christs sake!" So here I am again 55 hours later, with no sleep, on my desk typing the blog with a litre of Red Bull and four ´pick me up´caffeine tablets. Mmmmmmm! Got an hour drive out of Lisbon to get home... Which is nice!!!

Nice one Red!