Not Quite 30 but its a start...
This morning I checked my site meter and watched as it ticked over 25. Yes indeed!!! In the first year that I have been toiling on this blog, telling the world the bare truth and admitting nothing, I've almost hit the 30 mark! That means 25 of you have stopped over to read my ramblings and rantings and ravings...
Of course a whole lot more of you were brought here for your inability to read the snippet that google or askjeeves provide after the search, some how leading you to think that maybe, just maybe, this site really was all about the obscure sexual practive of beavers!!! (You know what I mean!!!!)
And for those of you here, in search of a nude photo of J-Lo, I feel your pain...
So there you go, a milestone of sorts in this, the fourth month of the first year of my blog... 25!!!
So, to you all, a great thank you from me to you, even the nutjobs that complain about my rantings every Monday morning on the dot...
Thank You...