Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spanish Arrogance rant!!

I was shoked when Iread the newspaper today about how the Spaniards are again complaining about a Portuguese historical figure called Viriato. Now this guy lived in Portugal fought in Portugal and was kind of A warrior leader of the Lusitano tribe. This nut case kept the might of the Roman Empire at bay with his small force for many years, until he was betrayed and murdered in his sleep for a handful of Roman sistecii coins.... Well thats the history, now for what the rucus is all about!!! Spain are claiming that Viriato is Spanish and not Portuguese!! WTF!!!!! Hold on a fucking minute... You couldn't beat us in any battle so you now revert to stealing our history!!! Let me guess the Spanish armada lost because of Portugal right???? Fuck off!!! Fuck you and the Iberian Alliance!!! We should have agreed to let you join the Nazis on the Russian front so that their would be less of you dumb fuckers!!! But no, we had to try and prevent our Spanish cousins so that they could remain part of the Iberian block, fighting for the right to keep fascism alive for as long as possible. Fuck'em!! Thats what I say...

So after all that has been happening between our two countries, now they are fighting for a historical figure!! What the fuck is that all about.... I say keep your history and we'll keep ours, ok?? But no, thay have to be their usual fucking arogant assholes... Hows this for arrogant.... They said that Portugal is really 'Spains forgotten race' (their own words, may I add!!!!!) Assholes???? I think so!!

We founded this country, stripped her away from a corrupt king and her whorish wife... We fought three Spanish kings and God knows how many Moorish kings to create what we now call Portugal. And now you want our past!!!! All the bullshit you idiots go on about, trying to prove Viriato as Spanish doesnt waver from the fact that he is our ancestor not yours. And if you think the fragile Luso-Spanish Non- Aggression pact is strong then think again, cos every one of us would gladly march to the border and piss on the gates of Madrid. Ever thought why all the Viriato Monuments are here in Northern Portugal and not in Spain??? Because he's ours!

No, no get the fuck out of our country, stop taking pictures of him standing, spear in hand pointing towards Spain... Oh, here's another thing... Ever wondered why all our war monuments point towards Spain???? That's right, only a historical reference to an old fashioned fuck you!!! That's right you never beat us and never will!!!!