Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The rainforest?? What for!!!

As everyone knows, the rainforest is a hot, steaming pile of poo jungle located in faraway lands such as Londons' Hyde Park, the top of Mount Etna, along the Alps and of course somewhere in the middle of Wales. The rain forests are full of prehistoric dinosaurs and huge rabbits with large teeth that eat anyone that ventures too close to it. That is why we know so little about the rain forest. Everything we do know leads us to believe that it should be immediately chopped down and sold as cheap wood for richer nations. By destroying the rain forest we are saving the world from headhunters, small people with big hands, dinosaurs, crocodiles and well known forms of flying piranha.
Now you've all heard me talk about the long haired hippy tree huggers, save the planet fuck wits and how they always want to save the rain forest. But in the end of the day, what do you want to save it for? The natives? The flying piranhas? They surely must be wanting to save the mosquito filled death traps from McDonalds and multi storey carparks right??? Some of the crazy environmentalists claim that the animals will all die if we tear down their habitat... Hey if all the yetis and unicorns can't live in garbage dumps left by all the major food chains then they shouldn't live at all!!! That's called Darwinism, if you don't like it then you should take it up with Darwin... Oh, wait, he's dead so it's too late to change his ism or law or what the hell you want to call it.. Boohoo!!!
Further more, many the hippies state that many of the worlds species of animals and insects have not been discovered and are living in the rainforest. SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!! That's the sort of answer I would expect from a retarded monkey... Have you ever thought that they don't want to be discovered???

So at the end of the day my choice will always be cut the damned thing down before it is too late for humanity!!! I mean who the hell would want a planet covered completely in green and insect infested when you can have a safe grey planet covered in oil wells, drilling platforms, concrete and tower blocks!!!!