Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Star Wars, What are the odd??

I've got a great one for ya...

Luke and Leia

Same age, same blood, same DNA. So why didn't anyone think it was wierd that they shared the same birthday? I mean, bit of a give away isn't it? I always thought Leia was older than Luke, until Return of the Jedi came out. Regal bearing Leia's, calm, collected manner, in control and able to handle any situation, compared to Luke who was a whiny, typically teenage dreamer with no direction in his life until Ben ambled along... So, at the time of Star Wars they're both 19, right? Which means that by the time of The Empire Strikes Back they're both 22. Which is three birthdays. Don't Star Wars folks celebrate birthdays? I guess one of them must have been given an alternative birthday, but which one? Is this something Ben, Bail and Yoda discussed on the Tantive IV? Seriously, it's a crazy as allowing Luke to keep the name Skywalker even though he was raised by the Lars family - more breadcrumbs in the trail that leads to their true heritage. So tell me people - which one of them celebrated their birthday on the wrong day? Or did they just think nothing of it. "Hey Leia, you're birthday is March 31st too? That's amazing, so's mine! And your blood type is A negative! Wow, that's a coincidence... and C3PO just told me after our yearly physical that our DNA is a perfect match. What are the odds, eh..."