Right, that's it!! I've had with all of you lot! What the fuck do you lot think your doing clotting up my email address with complaints about my blog. FU!!! Have you nothing better to do than annoy the living hell out of me with your moaning little abusive emails???? Fuck off!! Bloody tree hugging, left wing, pussy footed do-gooders. Why don't you lot just do the world a favour and kill yourselves!!! There's no place on this planet for you lot and I have no longer the time and the pascience to deal with you any more... I mean for the Love of God!!!!! This morning I woke up with 15 emails, all complaining about how I love annoying just about everyone in the world. Well Whoopy fucking do!!!! Who cares, freedom of speach asshole!!! Get a fucking life and stop getting on my bloody back because I speak the truth!!! Shit for brains!!! Oh, oh and before I forget, I'm keeping all your email addresses at hand just in case I need to send a virus your way!!! Fuck wits!!
...and breathe...
Right, I'm back and a little more relaxed after a strong black coffee and my first cigarrette in almost 7 months... So what was I on about, oh yeah complaints... I have just opened a complaints department email address for all of you long haired hippy poofters who do not enjoy a slice of my world and I will be deleting my email address from this blog. Direct all of your wank stained complaints to: comp.dept@hotmail.com and yes it is my email so stop emailing me on my old address. (Unless your a mate, in which case I'll be keeping it open.)
"Bring me War and I'll deliver you the World...)