Ok, I was in a really bad mood last night, then threw in a few barleys, and well you see the result. Sorry about that, and I didn't mean to ruffle so many feathers...i'll try to keep my opionions to myself in the future!!! Didn't really know how much of an effect my blog has done to so many people. Woke up this morning with 8 emails moaning about my 'Heartbreak' rant, so apologies are due so here goes:
I'm sorry I offended women.
I'm sorry I offended your feelings and that I agree that not all women are sluts and cheap hookers.
I'm sorry to all those thousands and thousands of people affected by the systematic removal of aboriginal children from their homes, their sacred lands and their families.
I'm sorry that I called all women mentally challenged, I'm sure your not all psycologically scarred.
To all you blokes that emailed me about the 'heartbreak' rant I have one thing to say to you.... Stop being so fucking gay!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the centuries of oppression my people inflicted on Africans, Asians, South Americans and our next door neighbours, the Spaniards...
I'm sorry if you are offended from any of the material in my blog, but as a good friend would say..... Get fucked!!!!
I'm sorry I said that all women would run to you when cash is flashed, but hey it's all about the money.
I'm sorry my people mixed the black and white race in Brazil creating a half cast nation... 'OOOOH I'll be getting emails for that one!!!'
Sorry for that last one...
I'm sorry, but not all women are thieving one week a month nutters.
And blokes are not all liers... (If I told you I lie, would I be telling the truth?)
Anyway for my last rant and for this one, if I offended anyone in anyway then I truly apologise............. hehe!!!