I am sick and tired of hearing another sob story from my friends about how horrible life is after they have split up with their partner. Well whoopy shit!!! We've all been there, had to split up or do the splitting and had to feel the pain!!!! But I guarantee you that it gets easier (and messier) the more experience you get at it!!! It all bloody started when I was sitting around waiting for the bus and I sat listening to a friend sob her heart out to me on how she was going to commit suicide and shit like that!!!
Well fucking do it, bitch!! Get on with it!!! Don't stand here balling your eyes out, pleading me to talk to him and make him reconsider, just fucking do it!! You know I'm not going to talk to him 'cos I don't give a shit!!! Throw yourself in front of the bus and put us all out of our misery!!!!! Jesus!!!! Some people just honestly need to learn that if you break up with someone and you can't handle it then the only other thing to do is just get on with life!! Stop anoying the rest of the world with you nightmare and get fucked!!!!
The Women:
There are no nice guys out there! There never will be and those that say they are are fucking liers, 'cos I'm one of them! They'll make themselves seem nice, but I guarantee you that if they've done their homework on you, then their plan of getting your kit off and spreading your legs will work. Trust me, whatever a man may say, it's usually lies 'cos all they want is one thing... SEX!!!
The Men:
There are no decent women out there! Women are all sluts; and out of the nice girls they are all fucked up from some ex boyfriend that mentally scarred them. In the end of the day, if you flash your cash they all come runing!! What is with the obsession with being in a relationship????? Fuck em!!! Women = money money money... It's either spend spend spend or they'll steal it all... Your choice!!! At the end of the day, she'll always be the most expensive whore you will ever pay for!!!!!