You know you're Portuguese if...
1. Your mother's name is Maria something.
2. Christmas Eve is much more important than Christmas.
3. Several people in your family are named Joao, Jose, Manuel or Antonio
4. Your mother either cleans houses, babysits, or works in a factory.
5, Your father is...yup...you guessed it...a construction worker...wait no...maybe a carpenter or a fisherman...
6. Your house is fully equipped with two stoves...(one is in the kitchen downstairs, which your uncle, father, and/or grandpa built).
7. You earned over £10,000 for your first communion.
8. The hell with the Turkey and Roast Beef!! Christmas dinner was Salted Whole Cod, baby!
9. A barbeque does not consist of Burgers on the grill...Hello! can u say sardines????
10. Your parents own nine houses in Portugal, but complain about "the lack of money" and "times are hard" when they work abroad earning 5 times more than in Portugal!!!
11. You've had your license for a month, but your £20,000 car has been "hooked up" for a year. I'm talking Rims, tints, a system...
12. A wooden spoon = discipline.
13. Your parents anticipate that you marry your first long-term boyfriend/girlfriend.
14. You over tweeze (or shave) your eyebrows...(this applies to both males and females)
15. You try and do the "messy backstreet boy haircut style thing," but you just end up looking like every other "immigrant".
16. Your anthem this summer was "Zombie Nation"
17. Every woman cleans the house on Saturday.
18. When you hear the word "Sagres" you think Beer, not historical marine school.
19. Someone in your family plays the accordion.
20. Going to Portugal involves buying gifts for every person in your 100 member family.
21. "Peneleiro" is definitely NOT a pot-maker.
22. Nuthin' beats a buttered Portuguese roll!!!
23. You've got that annoying "P" on the corner of your windscreen ,as if we didn't know you were an immigrant already by the huge car (usually a BMW or Merc!) that you brought back to Portugal, on your summer holidays, to show off to your friends and family)
24.Your weekends as a kid consisted of going to Portuguese school, going to church, watching some religious parade and going to see your grandparents.
Viva Portugal!!!