Are you like me?
Are you a little bit irritated when a group of Ukrainians or Pakistanis or Africans or whatever third world country they come from start yappin in their language?
This country needs to establish Portuguese as the official language before it's too late. Learn to speak Portuguese fuckheads!!! It's a good thing I'm not in charge.
I know a Moldavian guy that won't let his kids speak anything but Portuguese outside their house and only Moldavian or whatever language they speak, in their house unless they have guests. His kids speak flawless Portuguese. In todays market being bilingual is big. The better the Portuguese skills the better the job.
If immigrants in this country thought about it for a minute they'd see I'm right. An illegal immigrant comes to Portugal as part of a dream come true. He doesn't want to learn Portuguese because he wants to preserve his heritage. What heritage? The truth is that Portugal conquered most of the world and killed and enslaved the native people. You´ll find a little bit of Portugal in most countries. So regardless of what is in your history books you´ll have part of us in there somewhere. Live up the dream of your past oppressors and speak Portuguese. This is Portugal, live with it or leave it!! It´s that simple!!!!!!!!!!!