Thursday, July 20, 2006

What the...?

I read today that apparently, England is hosting its first ever "masturbate-a-thon" as part of "Wank Week". The massive jerk off session is intended to raise money for safe sex charities.
Prizes will be on offer for those who clock up the most orgasms and those who can masturbate the longest - the current record, according to the organisers, is a chafing eight-and-a-half hours. But, I'll cross my fingers for some of you; they may have a prize for the quickest.
You know, I'm thinking on August 5th, no matter where you are in the world, you should participate in support. Not, you know, to raise charity money or anything (unless you want to), but merely because it would be so freaking funny to know that thousands of people around the world would be pleasuring themselves all at the same time.
A global orgy, so to speak.
Have fun!!