Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hate mail and illegal aliens!

So I recieved another dumb ass hate mail this morning (Which is quite normal nowadays!) It just made me laugh. Check out the spelling and the grammar!
Check it out:

Dear Feral Pariah,
I hate you. You talk for hate. You talk abot ilegle peoples i hate you. We have rights to stay in county youres. You suck. i hate you. My peoples taking have to your country for good. We come here my country poor you talk hate. i have mother of children mine and two children mine. you talk hate to us who want better. we not take things from you we want work and happy be. I want life better for my mother of children and me. me children for better place to live. i hate you talk hate. We come not to steale but be rich and happy on country youres. plese stop hate talk, we peoples good and honiest.
Thank you

Well Andreiev Popov bitchin Russian Illegal Immigrant Fuckalot dickwadishski.

Spamming me 18 times in one day from 66.154.xx.xx is not going to work. It doesn’t matter if you use different names. Grow up, be clever and at least use different IP addresses?? You’ve been reported… You twat! And if you can´t be bothered to learn Portuguese at least write back when you can do in English you stupid dumb fuck. "We peoples good and honiest!" TWAT!!!
Feral Pariah

P.S: Here´s one for you Andreiev,

I was watching the news while they were covering the illegal immigrants protest and there was a guy holding a sign that said “We are all illegal immigrants. Check your history.” Someone really needs to give this guy a wake up call. He needs to check his history. Whenever the Moors came over there was no immigration laws, thus no such thing as illegal aliens and if anyone should be bitching and protesting it should be the Spaniards (but that’s a rant for a whole another day) not people breaking the law! An illegal immigrant is a non-citizen who has entered the Portugal without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. Most people in Portugal do not fit that definition so that guy with the sign really needs to pick up a dictionary.
I feel illegal immigrants should be deported. Say I’m prejudice all you want, cause that is just a bully tactic to try to get people to agree with you. The fact is as of right now they are breaking the law by being an illegal immigrant. Allowing illegal immigrants into this country and not doing a thing about it is a big slap in the face to all that took the time to come into this country legally! I have no problem with people wanting to live in Portugal, it’s a great country. However, I do have a problem with them doing it illegally.